self publishing

Self publishing redefines children’s books

by Carl Natale on April 1, 2012

Parents are financing their teenagers’ – and sometimes younger – self-published books.

Two tips for curating content

by Carl Natale on February 8, 2012

Jesse Stanchak approaches content curation in a thoughtful way. It’s a must read for anyone looking to try aggregation or curation. I would like to add two things. Like Jesse, I was mindful of mixing up my sources. Most of my curation came from RSS feeds. But I kept adding and deleting source feeds to […]

Relax, it’s only a presentation

by Carl Natale on February 8, 2012

Nice tips on giving better presentations. The key is learning to relax in front of people. It’s going to take practice. Beat the Fear and Build Presentation Skills Presentation skills aren’t something that you’re born with. They are something that you can learn. Even that elusive quality called charisma can be nurtured and developed.

Is your resume obsolete?

by Carl Natale on January 25, 2012

A few years ago I wrote a column about finding a job in the Internet age. One of the tips – “Resumes and Cover Letters Still Matter” – generated a lot of controversy in the comments. Many people felt resumes were inadequate and outdated. LinkedIn was much better. A few years later, the Wall Street […]

PressBooks attempts to simplify ebook publishing

by Carl Natale on January 17, 2012

Pressbooks Demo Deck View more presentations from Hugh McGuire PressBooks wants to do for book publishing what WordPress does for website updating: Simplify it so anyone can do it. And it aims to do that by creating a book-publishing tool out of WordPress. The idea is that WordPress is a content management system that is […]

The problem isn’t that Google Maps is putting limits on how many times your maps can load. The problem is that businesses cannot rely on free services remaining free.

Social Media FTW: Why you need to go to my panel today

by Carl Natale on September 22, 2011

I am very proud to introduce to you this panel of experts on social media today at the Social Media FTW Fall Conference. First off we have Tobin Slaven, owner of Mobile Marketing Maine. He has an interesting perspective on how small businesses can use social media to present their personal brands. It can give […]

Social Media: Not just for breakfast anymore

by Carl Natale on September 12, 2011

There is a lot everyone can learn by going to Maine social media events.

Learn what to do and don’t do when promoting your brand on Twitter.

LinkedIn is a great tool for business, and you can learn how to make it more valuable.