Nice tips on giving better presentations. The key is learning to relax in front of people. It’s going to take practice. Beat the Fear and Build Presentation Skills Presentation skills aren’t something that you’re born with. They are something that you can learn. Even that elusive quality called charisma can be nurtured and developed.
Public Speaking
If you’re going to run a small business, you’re going to have to get comfortable speaking in front of people. I don’t care how you do it, you’re going to have to be in front of someone explaining your business. Some people rather would be eaten by piranhas. Too bad. They can overcome this. Start […]
I’m not a natural public speaker, but I don’t let fear stop me from getting in front of an audience. Being able to do presentations and speak in any room is a needed skill if I’m going to succeed at anything. I sum up my methods in my latest blog, “Stop Being Nervous About […]