
Relax, it’s only a presentation

by Carl Natale on February 8, 2012

Nice tips on giving better presentations. The key is learning to relax in front of people. It’s going to take practice. Beat the Fear and Build Presentation Skills Presentation skills aren’t something that you’re born with. They are something that you can learn. Even that elusive quality called charisma can be nurtured and developed.

What I learned while sharing my blogging lessons

by Carl Natale on January 30, 2011

[slideshare id=6737510&doc=smbme-110128135700-phpapp01] I thoroughly enjoyed explaining blogging strategy at Friday’s Social Media Breakfast. Anytime I can speak about blogging for business, I have a great time. More importantly, the audience got a lot of great information to help them. I did learn a few things about blogging and presenting. Here are a few of my […]

What do you want to know about blogging?

by Carl Natale on January 13, 2011

I ask because I’m going to be speaking about blogging at the next Social Media Breakfast. Also on the agenda is Rich Brooks and Chantal Young. Here’s what they have to offer: Rich Brooks is founder and president of flyte new media, a Web design and Internet marketing firm in Portland, Maine. His monthly flyte […]

Why I’m not nervous about public speaking

by Carl Natale on April 21, 2010

I’m not a natural public speaker, but I don’t let fear stop me from getting in front of an audience. Being able to do presentations and speak in any room is a needed skill if I’m going to succeed at anything. I sum up my methods in my latest blog, “Stop Being Nervous About […]