Innovating Media

Mike Daisey says he’s an artist, and his story about the working conditions of the Chinese workers who make iPhones doesn’t have to be 100 percent true.

Why newspapers are in trouble

by Carl Natale on March 1, 2012

[blackbirdpie url=”!/wilw/status/174935805247229953″]

Reader Comments: How did all this civil debate happen?

by Carl Natale on February 29, 2012

The Lewiston Sun Journal is proud that they have civility in their reader comments system. Do they really know how they did it?

The economics of newspaper paywalls

by Carl Natale on February 8, 2012

Clay Shirky thoroughly takes down the logic of online newspaper paywalls. Please share with a journalist you love. Are Newspapers Finally Figuring Out How To Reward Their Best Customers? This may be the year where newspapers finally drop the idea of treating all news as a product, and all readers as customers. One early sign […]

It’s not a battle pitting real news vs. fluff

by Carl Natale on February 8, 2012

What determines success for Charlie Rose and CBS will be whether they create stories that viewers want to see. Sounds obvious but journalists have a way of letting arrogance and pride from understanding what their audiences consider to be real news. Will Charlie Rose Rise And Shine For CBS? : NPR Charlie Rose is known […]

You may never be off the clock when on social media

by Carl Natale on June 27, 2011

Probably my biggest takeaway from Friday’s Social Media Breakfast was the realization you are going to become journalists. Or at least be held to held to a pretty high standard when it comes to social media. I know this doesn’t seem to have anything to do with social media in highly regulated industries. But many […]

Excuse me, didn’t we already reinvent journalism?

by Carl Natale on June 15, 2010

The Media Cache blog on has a report on how  the government wants to stimulate. PARIS — The U.S. Federal Trade Commission is looking for ways to “support the reinvention of journalism.” Possible measures to help the troubled U.S. news business, outlined in a paper published last month and scheduled to be discussed at […]

Why Al Diamon is wrong about news aggregators

by Carl Natale on May 18, 2010

I’m working for the site as a content consultant. It’s a fun gig. Creating strategies and working with news. So it’s no surprise that I disagree with Al Diamon’s analysis in his Media Mutt blog. I know this is a bit late to be a response but I’m going to point out a few […]