
Revenge of the online news editors

by Carl Natale on February 23, 2013

I’ve been publishing online since 1997. And one of the consistent criticisms that never went away is that the online newspaper operations were never profitable. And this came from journalists — not the business side of newspapers. These stalwarts of the left-wing media conspiracy (you do see the sarcasm here?) became rabid capitalists. My answer […]

Journalists and publishers aren’t devoting enough attention to their business models.

Why newspapers are in trouble

by Carl Natale on March 1, 2012

[blackbirdpie url=”!/wilw/status/174935805247229953″]

How to fix the wrong problem with online newspapers

by Carl Natale on October 27, 2011

  Scroll is an app that lets non-coders make webpages look like what they would design for a print page. Never mind that doesn’t always work from the users’ point of view. Megan Garber at the Nieman Journalism Lab is right that newspaper web pages are bland and templatized. She seems to argue that newspaper […]

Newspapers are not being eaten by iPads

by Carl Natale on November 18, 2010

James Murdoch, head of News Corp’s operations in Europe and Asia, created a lot of worrying last week by saying the iPad is cannabalizing print. Bloggers and journalists ran with it and quoted him extensively. All in all, it’s much attribution about nothing. In all the coverage and quoting, I didn’t see a single fact. […]

How to use an editorial calendar to boost your PR

by Carl Natale on November 11, 2010

Most publications use an editorial calendar to plan out their stories and features. An editorial calendar is published at the end of each year for the next year. It is developed by the editorial staff of magazines and details the planned coverage for the following year. Some newspapers and Internet sites are developing editorial calendars […]

Why I want you to put your content behind a paywall

by Carl Natale on October 29, 2010

If you like reading newspaper and periodical content for free, read as much as you can now. At least that’s what a publisher of a niche publication told me this week. It’s crazy to be putting it on the Web for free when they expect readers to buy the paper versions. And the aggregators are […]