
I’m not lucky enough to have access to Facebook’s Today In feature. Odds are you don’t have access to Facebook’s attempt to highlight local news either. It seems kind of a rare beast to spot in the wild. So I’m relying on Christine Schmidt’s analysis of Today In on Nieman Lab. She seems surprised that it focuses […]

3 ways to get more good customer reviews

by Carl Natale on December 6, 2010

This is a tough time to be in business. Not because of the global economy. I’m talking about the Internet. Sure the Internet does all kinds of wonderful things for anyone with something to sell. But it allows every customer to become a reviewer. It’s incredibly easy for a disgruntled customer to give you some […]

Is Facebook really necessary?

by Carl Natale on December 6, 2010

I’m usually in favor of starting the day with a good breakfast. But I have trouble swallowing this premise today: “Your business can’t afford to not have a Facebook presence.” via Secrets to Using Facebook to Market Your Business. Really? You know me. I’m a social media kind of guy. But I have to wonder […]

What Facebook users like about brands

by Carl Natale on September 9, 2010

Have you figured out Facebook yet? It’s a little daunting to figure out how to use it to connect with customers. First, the good news: based on its study of 1,500 Facebook users, ExactTarget concluded that 38 percent of online U.S. consumers “Like” (formerly “Fan”) a brand on the social networking site. And the average […]

Anyone know where all the MySpace users went?

by Carl Natale on May 6, 2010

The Nielsen Company has some interesting stats on social network growth. Facebook and Twitter Post Large Year over Year Gains in Unique Users . Facebook dominates Twitter and LinkedIn in users and growth. It’s hard to feel sorry for MySpace – never liked it. I have to wonder where all those users are going. I […]