There’s some research out that suggests that tweets only have a lifespan of an hour. After that, people are unlikely to act upon it. If you are looking to get retweeted and nobody picks your tweet up within the first hour, chances are that nobody ever will. Only 1.63% of all retweets happen in the […]
Social Media Marketing
Why timing matters for Twitter campaigns
by Carl Natale on October 7, 2010
What Facebook users like about brands
by Carl Natale on September 9, 2010
Have you figured out Facebook yet? It’s a little daunting to figure out how to use it to connect with customers. First, the good news: based on its study of 1,500 Facebook users, ExactTarget concluded that 38 percent of online U.S. consumers “Like” (formerly “Fan”) a brand on the social networking site. And the average […]
Tagged as: Facebook, Social Media Marketing
Why car dealers need to get better at relationships
by Carl Natale on August 23, 2010
The Internet really has changed how we buy a car. We’re much more savvy about the car and price when we walk onto a lot because of Internet research. Chris Brogan has a interesting story of why he bought a Camaro from Motorphilia, an Internet car dealer. He has a lot of thoughts about what’s […]
Tagged as: Car Buying, Dealerships, Social Media Marketing
Back to basics information on using Twitter as a business tool
by Carl Natale on May 4, 2010
Twitter has been around long enough that I forget that there are people who don’t much about it. They may know enough to be interested in its potential though. If you’re new to Twitter or trying to explain it to a client, start with Tweeting 101: A Twitter Cheat Sheet from Web Worker Daily. It’s […]
Tagged as: Brand Promotion, Social Media Marketing, Twitter