The Social Media FTW conference is scheduled for Sept. 22, and the organizers are trying to create the agenda of speakers and agenda. I sent them my pitch for a presentation on blogging. Basically, I hope to answer these three questions:
- What do I blog about?
- How often should I blog?
- How long should the blog be?
The questions about length and frequency of blog entries are perhaps the most perplexing to someone who wants a blog for their business. I won’t be able to give them easy answers, but I can give them the framework they need to figure out what works best for their blogs.
Like many other pitches, it’s being considered. To help them figure out which proposals are more valuable, the organizers have created a survey to find out what people want to learn.
Good idea.
They should try to understand what is important to their market – conference registrants. I hope they want to learn about blogging.
Not good enough
But hope isn’t good enough. I’m being a little more proactive and taking my case to the people. I have posts on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook that ask people to ask for sessions on blogging. I am being upfront about how doing this can benefit me.
Yes I realize some people may not like this blatant act of self promotion. It’s worth the risk. It might tip the scales toward my pitch. I don’t know if I need this campaign or not. I have no feedback on my pitch. But I want to make my point.
I have information that can help people.
Why I’m doing this
- You don’t get anything unless you ask. I asked for the chance to present and for people to support me.
- I might learn something. If people don’t find what I want to say valuable, I can use that feedback to find topics they find valuable.
- This is what social media is about. Develop networks and influence. This is an experiment that will tell how well I am doing it.
- I don’t do things like this. Every day I get messages from many connections asking me to like or support their latest pitch. They don’t offer anything but pitches. I understand that’s their jobs. So I’m taking this opportunity to ask for their support.
So I hope this works without upsetting anyone. No disrespect intended. But I offer a perspective that can help you market your business. This is a way you and other attendees can gain some valuable knowledge.
And me? I get a chance to expand my influence and talk about something I love talking about. This is going to be fun.