
Why you don’t have to be sexy, tasty or dangerous

by Carl Natale on January 17, 2011

There are three topics that just about everyone wants to read about: Sex Food Danger It would be great to blog about any of these topics. Your topics are traffic magnets. But most of us are writing about more mundane, everyday subjects. Like what you sell. You can try metaphors and analogies. “Three ways our […]

Sexy, Dangerous Bacon

by Carl Natale on November 17, 2010

I knew that title would get you to read this. Why? Well first consider this tweet I saw this week: [blackbirdpie id=”4179926110445568″] Honestly, I’m not surprised. Tim Horton’s sells caffeine, sugar and fat – which are major mood elevators. That’s why people have such strong attachments to coffee shops. So Tim Horton’s (and Dunkin Donuts) […]