I knew that title would get you to read this. Why? Well first consider this tweet I saw this week:
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Honestly, I’m not surprised. Tim Horton’s sells caffeine, sugar and fat – which are major mood elevators. That’s why people have such strong attachments to coffee shops. So Tim Horton’s (and Dunkin Donuts) news is BIG NEWS.
Then consider this:
[blackbirdpie id=”4372146742624256″]
Yeah, bacon could be a separate field of study in psychology. It gets people excited.
You can read a bit more about why in this post on improving your writing from Copyblogger:
Talk Food, Sex, and Danger
Susan Weinschenk from What Makes Them Click is writing a great series called 100 Things You Should Know About People.
Go check it out. It’s good. Seriously good.
In this resource, Susan mentions that our brains always ask the following questions:
“Can I eat it? Can I have sex with it? Will it kill me?”
Nice for you, too, because if you want people to pay more attention to your writing, bring up those big three (there’s that number again). Use stories and examples that touch on aspects of food, sex, or danger.
Add descriptors or associative words. Pair it with a nice picture, if you’d like. It’ll glue them to the page.
via 7 Ways to Improve Your Writing … Right Now | Copyblogger.
So if you want to strongly engage your audience, touch upon one of those three motivators.
Behind the Scenes
I displayed the tweets using the Twitter Blackbird Pie Plugin for WordPress. If you’re not using WordPress, you still can embed tweets.
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