How to improve your blog

by Carl Natale on January 3, 2011


Looking for ideas for your blog?

There are two types of people writing blog posts:

  1. Bloggers
  2. People who have a blog because someone (like me) told them they need one for their business

I’m a blogger, and I’m writing this post for those who fit into the second type. It’s not a bad thing to be a non-blogger with a blog. It shows a willingness to step outside your comfort zone and do things that aren’t easy.

I know it’s not easy for you. You face any (or all) of these restrictions:

  1. Not enough talent
  2. Not enough time
  3. Not enough ideas

Believe it or not, the first restriction isn’t a deal killer. You can have a blog with the minimum amount of writing talent. Not having the time to blog is a problem. Some creative time management can find you some blogging time though.

But where do you find the ideas for your blog? Or the time to find ideas? Well Chris Brogan has an idea for coming up with ideas. Basically, he wants you to pay for a subscription to a topics newsletter.

For $9.97 a month, he will e-mail you 10 (or more) ideas for blog posts each week. Presumably you can turn those ideas into blog posts. I don’t know how he can make them useful for every subscriber. But for the sake of argument, let’s say he is going to do it.

Why it’s a great idea

  1. There has to be a way for writers to make money besides Google Ads and freelance fees. Subscriptions are a good way to make passive income off your talent. The key is to find the right content that someone will pay you to deliver.
  2. Chris is a writing machine. He writes multiple entries a day. Very few people can come up with as many as 10 topics per week. Since he is willing to do something that not many people can or will do, he deserves to make some money off it.
  3. This is my idea. No, I’m not saying he stole it from me. But for several months I’ve been researching the possibility of selling information that will help people blog. Chris beat me to it.

How it can be a better idea

  1. I’m not sure what Chris’ target audience is. But if a newsletter focuses on the second type of blogger – someone who needs help and inspiration – it will have value.
  2. If the newsletter focuses further on an industry or profession, then it becomes more valuable.
  3. Instead of 10 topics, the newsletter can focus on three ideas that are more relevant to the audience. (Because it’s a niche audience remember.)
  4. The newsletter can include a word tip. Grammar, word usage, jargon warning. Something useful the audience can use to improve writing or content creation.
  5. The audience also can use a technical tip that has information about blogging platforms and how to use them.
  6. No blogging newsletter would be complete without a roundup of blogging headlines.

Where to find it

Now I’m not suggesting that Chris change or adapt his newsletter to accomplish all that. Because that is the newsletter I am offering.

Starting this week, I am launching a weekly newsletter for consultants who want to use a blog to demonstrate their authority and expertise. It costs $4.95 per month. You can use the information to inspire at least one blog post per week, and repurpose the content into other outlets.

Why am I doing this?

I have valuable information and skills that I can share. The newsletter is a way to monetize it at an affordable price for you.

It’s coming in the form of an e-mail newsletter because e-mail still has a lot of power. People will value the information more than if it was presented in a blog.

Also the e-mail formatting will be simple so subscribers can print the newsletter. This makes the newsletter mobile friendly in more ways than one.

How do you get it?

The subscription form is simple and powered by Credit card payment is handled by Amazon.

Does this work for you?

I’m interested in hearing your thoughts on the newsletter and any questions you may have. I’m looking forward to helping you with your blog.

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