How neutral is the Google-Verizon proposal?

by Carl Natale on August 10, 2010

How bad can it be? If Google wants to ensure we can get whatever we want from the Internet, shouldn’t we celebrate? But the Google-Verizon proposal isn’t creating much celebration in the Interlands.

Dan Gillmor has an interesting worry in his Salon column:

The right way forward is to have sufficient bandwidth that we can do pretty much anything we choose using public networks — a true broadband infrastructure where packet-switched services (moving data around, at super-fast speeds, in little packages that are reassembled at the user’s device) are the basis for all communications.

Instead, the game is on to create a parallel Internet. It’ll still be packet-switched. But they won’t call it the Internet anymore. That’s an end game we should not encourage.

via Google-Verizon plan: Why you should worry – Dan Gillmor –

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