Compelling Content: Tips to improve your writing and content creation

by Carl Natale on May 25, 2011

How to create compelling content from these wordsI found some good links you can use to improve your writing and create engaging content for your business. I’m sharing the links via Twitter but want to explain why I think these resources are worth your attention.

Ten Common Writing Mistakes

This is a pretty good discussion with Valerie Khoo about writing tips. She makes a really good point about writing meaningful headings. In addition to writing engaging headings, she warns about showing off your comedic skills by inserting puns and clever references.

I know it’s tempting to flex those muscles. The trouble is that not every reader gets the joke and is compelled to keep reading. Personally, I would have loved to title this “The Write Stuff.” But it’s a cliche that doesn’t help readers understand why they need to keep reading.

via BNET.

3 Keys To Ditching The Marketing Speak and Developing Relevant B2B Content

The post advocates a long-term approach to producing content:

And there’s the irony of the publishing marketing model. Its purpose is to drive new sales and build repeat business, but the right execution requires a subtle approach. When you focus squarely on the needs of your audience first, ROI is inevitable.


How to Hire a Chief Content Officer: 11 Key Traits

Maybe you’re not the best person to craft compelling content for your business. Who are you going to turn to? Ann Handley lists 11 skills or traits that you should seek in a person creating content for your business. My favorite is the second one, “Nose for a Story:”

The best content creators are the ones who can smell a good story. They also recognize the bones of a story easily, and they instinctively know how to develop the content to make it human and interesting. Is your candidate bursting at the seams with ideas for content that your business might create? Does she think in terms of content? Do you hear her utter phrases like “that would make a great blog post!”?

This is a rare skill. People have blind spots to what makes compelling content within their midst.

via MarketingProfs Article.

How to Cultivate a Love of Words

This is for the writers. The post has some nice ideas for making words part of your life – not just part of your business plan. I like the suggestion to choose decorations based upon words. Look for some vintage-style decorations for some fun word-based decorations.

via wikiHow.

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