I keep telling you, times are tough but the opportunities are there. It’s going to take focus, dedication and hard work. But it’s possible to succeed in business.
I know it seems easy for me to say. I’m employed – not out in the market trying to persuade customers to spend money.
That’s about to change.
March 31 will be my last day at MaineToday. I’m accepting a severance package that is part of a company-wide staff reduction. Several things are going on in my life that make this a good move for me. This gives me an opportunity to start a business.
What kind of business? I plan to work on some web site development and write. There are two clients in this world who already have given me some money for this. Not a lot of money. But enough to make me believe I can make full time work out of this. And all those blog entries I wrote has me feeling pretty confident too. How hard can it be? I’ve explained all this plenty of times.
Besides checks from clients I’m expecting a few reality checks too.
Which you will be reading about. I plan to keep sharing what I learn. It may be in a new blog, social media account or client arrangement. I want to inspire commerce and help you make this economy work for you. Instead of doing it in a journalistic way, I’m going to do it as a entrepreneur.
I want to apologize for not concentrating on the advice and tips I usually share. I’m excited about it and want to get the word out about the changes. In the next two weeks I will be documenting what I do for the people taking over my work. And I will keep blogging and tweeting. You may notice a lot of information about actually starting a business though. Pure coincidence.
Thank you for reading this blog, sharing your knowledge and offering your feedback. This an incredibly satisfying job I couldn’t do without you.
OK, we have work to do. Let’s get at it.